Terms of Service

User Information and Privacy
Salvia Sky and/or its affiliates are committed to protecting all the information you share with us. We follow
stringent procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of data stored on our systems.
Only those employees who need access to your information in order to perform their duties are allowed
such access. Any employee who violates our privacy and/or security policies is subject to disciplinary
action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution, Salvia Sky's top most priority
is in protecting your confidential information and privacy.
This privacy policy tells you how we use your personal information collected through the
"www.salviasky.com". Please read this privacy policy before using the "www.salviasky.com" or submitting
any personal information. This policy will be updated subject to any changes in information collection,
activities performed or any applicable regulations. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy
whenever you visit the "www.salviasky.com" to make sure that you understand how any personal
information you provide will be used.
Please Note:
The privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for "www.salviasky.com" only. If you link to other
websites, please review those privacy policies, which may be very different.
Collection Of Personal Information:
As a visitor to the site, you can engage in many activities without providing any Personal Information.
Depending upon the activity, some of the information that we ask you to provide is identified as mandatory
and some as voluntary. If you do not provide the mandatory data with respect to a particular activity, you
will not be able to engage in that activity. However, when you register to use www.salviasky.com and order
products as a Salvia Sky customer, in order to provide the services to you, we may collect your contact
information such as your name, phone numbers, address and email address as well as profile information,
including your password, details about your purchases and details about your interactions with us.
Updating Your Personal Information:
You have the right to access and correct or delete your Personal Information and privacy preferences at
any time. This may be accomplished by clicking on the link, "My Profile", where you can view and make
changes to most of your Personal Information immediately. For security purposes, certain Personal
Information can only be changed by contacting support. We will respond to your request promptly within a
reasonable time.
How Your Personal Information Is Used:
Salvia Sky collects your information in order to provide services to you, comply with our legal obligations,
and to improve our products and services. We do not sell, rent or share your personally identifiable
information to or with third parties in any way other than as disclosed in this Privacy Policy.
Salvia Sky May Use This Information To:
1. Process your financial transactions; Service your order.
2. Respond to customer service requests, questions and concerns.
3. Administer your account.
4. Send you requested product or service information.
5. Keep you informed about special offers and services of and selected third parties.
6. Administer promotions and notify you of important events.
7. Investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities and/or violations of our Terms of Service.
8. Meet our research and product/service development needs and to improve our Site, services and
9. Customise your experience, including targeting our services and offerings to you.
In certain situations, Salvia Sky may be required to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by
public authorities. Where required by law (like to comply with a warrant, court order, or legal notice served
on Salvia Sky), and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, avoid litigation,
protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, and/or respond to a government request. We
may also disclose information about you if we determine that such disclosure should be made for reasons
of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance.
How Do I Update My Account Information?
It is quick and easy to update your account information. Simply log in at My Account and proceed to
'Account Information'. Please note that we do not store your credit/debit card information in your personal
When we may disclose your information:
Except as set forth below or as specifically agreed to by You, Salvia Sky will not disclose any Personally
Identifiable Information as gathered from You on the Website.

  • We may share Personally Identifiable information in limited fashion to Our contractors and service
    providers that perform services on Our behalf, including, but not limited to, operation of the Website
    technology, marketing services, research services and other related services. Unless You have opted-out of such sharing, these contractors also may have access to Your email address to send newsletters or special promotions to You on Our behalf or to send emails to You for purposes such as conducting market
    research on Our behalf. Access to Your Personally Identifiable Information by such contractors and service
    providers is limited to the information reasonably necessary for the contractor to perform its limited
    function for Salvia Sky. We also contractually require that such contractors and service providers: 1)
    protect the privacy of Your Personally Identifiable Information consistent with this Privacy Policy, and 2)
    not use or disclose Your Personally Identifiable Information for any purpose other than providing us with
    products and services as required by law.
  • We may share Personally Identifiable information We collect, as permitted by law, to companies such as credit reporting agencies, or servicing and processing companies, or when required or advised to do so in response to a valid legal requirement to release this information such as a state or federal law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena, or court order; or (2) in special cases, such as in response to a physical threat to You or others, to protect property, or defend or assert legal rights, to defend ourselves in litigation. In the event that We are legally compelled to disclose Your Personally Identifiable information to a third party, we will attempt to notify You unless doing so would violate the law or court order.
  • If You prefer that We do not share certain information with Our contractors and service provider, as
    described above, You can direct us not to share that information by contacting us at
    support@salviasky.com. Please note that an opt-out with respect to information sharing will not apply to
    information sharing arrangements described Section below.

Finally, Salvia Sky may provide content and services to You through websites other than Our own. Salvia
Sky will not disclose Your Personally identifiable Information to these 3rd party websites without Your
consent, but You should be aware that any information You disclose on such Websites is NOT subject to
this Privacy Policy.
Information Sharing With Service Providers:
Salvia Sky uses one or more outside payment processing companies to bill you for our goods and services.
To the best of our knowledge, these companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any other purpose. We also share Personal Information with certain companies that
perform services on our behalf. We only share the Personal Information which is necessary for them to perform those services. We require any company with which we may share Personal Information to protect that data in a manner consistent with this policy and to limit the use of such Personal Information to the performance of services for Salvia Sky. We do not sell or otherwise provide Personal Information to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services.
Data Retention:
We will retain your information for as long as your account is active, your information is needed to provide you services, or as required to fulfil our legal obligations. If you wish to delete your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact us at support@salviasky.com. We will respond to your request within reasonable time. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements.
Unsubscribe/Opt Out:
You may opt out of receiving Salvia Sky's email updates, newsletters and/or partner emails by clicking on
the "My Profile" link on the website and making the appropriate selections. The choice to opt out of such
communications is also generally available during the sign-up process. Salvia Sky will still contact you
when there are changes to the Terms of Service or Submitter Terms of Service, as applicable. In addition,
we will still send you service-related announcements including, but not limited to, a registration email,
order related notifications and emails automatically triggered by actions you took on the Site. Generally,
you may not opt-out of these communications, which are not promotional in nature.
Protection Of Your Personal Information:
The Personal Information that you provide in connection with the use of the Site is protected in several
ways. When you enter sensitive information (such as credit card number) on our registration or order
forms, we strive to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once
we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is
100% secure. While we take into account the sensitivity of the Personal Information we collect, process
and store, and the current state of technology to use these measures to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. If you have any questions, doubts or confusion in regard to any of the terms set out here in the privacy policy, please seek clarifications from us through email (support@salviasky.com). We will get back to you within a reasonable time.
Use of Cookies
The Website may send a "cookie" to Your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to Your
browser from a web server and stored on Your computer's hard drive. A cookie cannot read data off Your
hard disk or read cookie files created by other websites. Cookies do not damage Your system. Cookies allow us to recognize You as a user when You return to the Salvia Sky Website using the same computer and web browser. We use cookies to identify which areas of Our Website You have visited and how you use the Website the data collected is used to analyse your use of the Website and to enhance the user experience.
We also may use this information to better personalize the content that You see on the Website. Most
browser software can be set to reject Cookies. However, if You reject Our Cookies, certain functionality on
the Website may not work correctly or at all. We do not link Non-Personal Information from Cookies to your personally Identifiable Information.
In the course of optimizing the Service to Our Users, we may allow authorized third parties to place or
recognize a unique cookie on Your browser. Any information provided to third parties through cookies will
not be personally identifiable but may provide general segment information for the enhancement of Your
user experience by providing more relevant advertising.
Web Beacons
Salvia Sky also may use web beacons, pixels, anonymous ad network tags, and cookies to collect Non-
Personal Information about Your use of the Website and the websites of selected sponsors and advertisers, to collect anonymous, aggregated auditing, research and reporting for advertisers, and to
collect data related to Your use of special promotions or newsletters etc. The information collected by
Web Beacons also allows us to statistically monitor data with respect to our Website and Services and
those of our associated third parties. Our Web Beacons are not used to track Your activity outside of the Website or the websites of Our sponsors. We do not link Non-Personal Information from Web Beacons to Personally Identifiable Information without Your permission. However, because Your web browser requests advertisements and web beacons directly from ad network servers, these networks can view, edit or set their own cookies, just as if You had requested a web page from their Website. If You are a non-registered visitor to the Website, the only information We collect will be Non-Personal nformation through the use of cookies or web beacons.
Log Files, IP Addresses and Information About Your Computer and Mobile Device
Due to the communications standards on the internet, when You visit the Website We automatically
receive the URL of the website from which You came and the website to which You are going when You
leave Salvia Sky’s Website. Salvia Sky also receives the internet protocol (“IP”) address of Your computer
(or the proxy server You use to access the World Wide Web), Your computer operating system and type of
web browser You are using, your usage patterns, Your mobile device (including Your UDID) and mobile
operating system (if You are accessing the Website using a mobile device), as well as the name of Your ISP
or Your mobile carrier. Salvia Sky may also receive location data passed to it from third-party services or
GPS-enabled devices that You have enabled. Also, as described above Salvia Sky receives information
when You access third-party web pages through the Service. The link between Your IP address and Your
personally identifiable information is not shared with third parties without Your permission, except as
described in above. ("When We May Disclose Your Information"), below.
Behavioral Targeting
Salvia Sky may partner with a third party ad network to either display advertising on Website or to manage
our advertising on other sites. Our ad partner uses cookies and Web beacons to collect non- personally identifiable information about your activities on Website and other websites to provide you targeted
advertising based upon your interests.
The Website and the Services includes Social Media Features, such as showing a Twitter feed. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on the website, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on Website. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy
policy of the company providing it.
Exemptions from Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy does not apply to any information you post from the Website to other third-party
websites, due to the public nature of such postings.
Links/Postings to other websites
The Website and/or Service may contain links to other Websites. Salvia Sky is not responsible for the
actions, practices, or content of such Websites linked to or from the Website. You understand that such
websites may have their own legal documents to which You must agree to prior to using and that We have
no control over these legal documents. As always, You understand that it is Your responsibility to verify
Your legal use of a website as well as use of information from the website with the corresponding website
Market Research
Salvia Sky may conduct online research surveys in order to gather feedback about the Website and
opinions on important issues, through email invitations. When participating in a survey, We may ask You to
submit Personally Identifiable Information. This Personally Identifiable Information is used for research
purposes, and is not used for sales solicitations. Personally Identifiable Information collected through
market research will be used only by Salvia Sky and will not be given or sold to a third party without Your
consent or as otherwise permitted by this Privacy Policy.

Use of Aggregate Data
Salvia Sky may combine Non-Personal Information You provide through the Website with information from
other users to create aggregate data that may be disclosed to third parties. Aggregate information does not contain any information that could be used to identify You and does not include Your personal contact
Security Policy and User ID/Password
Our Website and Service utilizes various information security measures such as internet firewalls, an
intrusion detection system, encrypted data transmission, and operating procedures to protect Your
personal data, accounts, passwords, etc. This information is kept completely separate and confidential,
unless You have given someone-else Your user ID and password. As such, you should protect Your user ID
and password and NOT share it with anyone. If you believe your user ID and password have been
compromised and you have trouble changing your user ID/password on the Website or within the
application, please contact our technical support department at support@salviasky.com.

Transfer of Ownership
If the entire or substantial ownership of the Website or the Service were to change, your user information
may be transferred to the new owner so the service can continue operations. In any such transfer of
information, your user information would remain subject to the promises of Our then current Privacy
Questions About This Privacy Policy
Should You have a privacy question about the Website and/or the Service, please email us on